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NLPD Mission Statement

National Latino Physician Day was established on October 1st as a day to celebrate Latino and Latina physicians in the United States, which represent 6% of the physician workforce while recognizing the critical shortage Latino physicians when compared to the U.S. Latino population (19%). We believe that public awareness of this underrepresentation will generate systemic change and inspire the next generation of Latino physicians.


Our mission is further inspired by historical - and existing - health disparities disproportionately affecting the Latino community, which include distinguishing examples - specific to the Latino patient population - such as non-English speaking patients and the undocumented community. Healthcare disparities in the Latino community have worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic adding urgency to the need for Latino physician representation in the U.S. workforce.


Beyond raising awareness of Latino and Latina physician representation and healthcare disparities, NLPD represents an urgent “Call to Action”, for hospitals, academic medical centers, educators and legislative leaders, to incorporate structural changes to improve Latino representation in the U.S. physician workforce.

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